As you know from my previous month’s newsletter I was featured in a two-part series interview with the Mortgage Busters & Investment Show.
The response I have received from the first show has been sensational. I have received emails from clients and viewers telling me how much they enjoyed the first interview and how inspiring it was. The good news is, if you missed the second interview it is now live on YouTube and you can watch it below.
If you have recently subscribed to my website, or for some reason you did not receive my last newsletter email, you can view the previous newsletters from this web link:
Mortgage Busters & Investment Show Interview Part 2 |
In the first show interview I talked about my journey into share and property investing and the challenges along the way, which then helped me to develop and hone my trading systems and money management rules so I am able to trade all market conditions that come my way and thrive to become the trader I am today.
In this second interview I delve deeper into charting and why I love charting. I cover how you can tell if a share is healthy, the four market stages shares move through and how this assists me with my trading decisions. You can now watch it online below.
As you can see from the interview I love viewing charts and finding healthy shares. My love for trading, charting and mentoring is why I continue to trade and teach others how to. I love being able to help other traders in their trading journey too and that is why I developed the Smart Charting 101 Online Course that I mention in the interview. This course comes with a comprehensive hand book with exercises and 10 supporting videos on key chapters in the handbook.
So if you want to discover how technical analysis can give you that extra edge in the market and how you can make your own investment decisions in the share market through charts then check out this course. You will also discover more about identifying the health of a share through its trend and know when it is the right time to buy and when to sell.
Mortgage Busters & Investment Show Interview Part 1 |
If you missed my first interview where I shared my journey into trading and property investing, you can still watch it online below.
Finally |
I will have more to share with you next month when I return back home to Australia. Right now I am in the USA and catching up on all the action in this country, especially with its upcoming elections.
Currently, I have put my daily CFD swing trading system on hold, but my weekly long-term system continues to trade all year round. This system takes up a lot less of my time and I only need to check on my trades a few times each month. I will talk more about that in my next month’s newsletter after I have returned back home.
Justine Pollard
Author, Private Trader & Trading Mentor
‘Discover the Smarter way to trade’
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