2021 has certainly been another interesting year and tough for many people. Hopefully that is all behind us now and with the recent breakout in the markets this could be a good sign that there are better things ahead for the New Year 2022. Of course I don’t have a crystal ball and just take the signals as they come my way.
To kick off 2022 I have an extra special discount on my Ultimate Smart Trading Mentor Course. Read on to find out more and check out my latest market video update.
If you have recently subscribed to my website, or for some reason you did not receive my last newsletter email, you can view the previous newsletters from this web link: http://smarttrading.com.au/news/
Market Video Update |
Here’s an update on how the markets are performing and an update on the charts of a few trades I have previously shared with you.
If you have any difficulties playing the video from this web page you can watch it directly on YouTube from this web link: https://youtu.be/q9aj-AmrV1E
Having a trading plan is a crucial part of a trader’s journey and with the new year starting it is a good time to reflect on your trading plan and update it.
If you don’t have a trading plan and you’d like to learn how to develop a plan and discover more about my trading techniques, check out my Ultimate Smart Trading Mentor Course.
In this course, I share my experiences and my trading plan with the goal to assist you in developing your own well-prepared trading strategy to suit your style of trading. Packed with strategies, techniques and information, I have designed this to help you withstand the conditions in the market and thrive over the longer-term.
To kick start 2022 I am offering a 10% discount on this program.
All you need to do is enter this coupon code into the box at checkout: 2022Smart
The special discount ends on 11 January, so don’t miss out.
Head on over to this link to find out more about the Ultimate Smart Trading Mentor Course.
Finally |
I would like to wish you a very Happy New Year and may 2022 be an amazing year full of abundance, joy and exciting opportunities.
Cheerio for now
Justine Pollard
Author, Private Trader & Trading Mentor
‘Discover the Smarter way to trade’
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