Justine has finally migrated to MetaStock Version 15. She was waiting for a version to come out that allowed her to continue using her local data and to use it offline and Version 15 does just that.
There were some teething issues when it was first released last year, but the good news is that a maintenance patch was released last month to resolve these problems. All the major bugs have been ironed out.
If you are using Version 10 or 11 you may not want to upgrade and these versions will continue to work on your current computers. Unfortunately the licensing software for these versions will no longer be available and they will not be able to be loaded on to any new computer. That is when you will need to consider upgrading if you are not ready to take that step yet.
If you do decide to upgrade, the good news is that all your settings and Smart Charts in your current version of MetaStock can be moved into Version 15 seamlessly by selecting to run the MetaStock Migration Utility when you first download it. No changes are needed to be made to your data service and all your custom folders, templates and smart charts remain exactly as they are. They only need to be added into the Power Console in MetaStock 15.
To make this transition easier Justine has recently released the Maximising MetaStock Online Course for Version 15 and updated the workbook. This new course will assist you to get MetaStock Version 15 set up and streamlined with Justine’s trading systems so that you too can use it to its full capabilities.
To know more, visit this webpage: Maximising MetaStock Online Course
For her mentor clients, there’s a 50% discount off the Maximising MetaStock Version 15 Course if you have not previously purchased it. All you have to do is log into the Smart Trading Mentor Course or Mastermind website and the offer is available in the Bonuses Section.
If you are not using MetaStock and have been waiting for the Maximisng MetaStock Version 15 Course to be complete before purchasing then Craig at Oracle Traders can help you too. Just make sure you mention Smart Trading and you will get a free upgrade to snapshots data (hourly downloads). His contact details are:
Craig Kirby
Oracle Traders
Website: www.oracletraders.com.au
Email: craig@oracletraders.com.au
Phone: 1300 299 603
Please note: an annual maintenance fee of $US10 needs to be paid directly to MetaStock in the US to use version 15 with your local data service. This is a small price to pay to keep using your own local data and not have to be tied to Thomson Reuters data.
Craig has also a special price for all V10 and V11 customers who want to upgrade until 30 April 2017.
Unfortunately the price will be rising after that as MetaStock have made it clear they will only honour this special upgrade price until end March, only Craig has been able to negotiate with them to extend it for an extra month for his clients.
You can find out more about this offer from this web link: