I’ve prepared something different for my September newsletter. I’ve been featured in a two-part series interview with the Mortgage Busters & Investment TV Show and I’d like to share it with you.
If you have recently subscribed to my website, or for some reason you did not receive my last newsletter email, you can view the previous newsletters from this web link:
Mortgage Busters & Investment Show Interview Part 1 |
What is my story? How did I get into trading and property investing? Before my success in the market, I had my own struggle and challenges which as a whole made me the trader I am today.
Watch the video of my first interview on the Mortgage Busters & Investment Show below and let me share with you my journey as a trader and investor.
Throughout my trading journey, I’ve developed trading strategies that suit me. If you want to discover more and see if my trading style and strategies resonate with you, visit my Ultimate Smart Trading Mentor Course page.
In this course I share exactly how I trade the markets. I provide the codes to my market scans and all my strategies for entries, exits and money management. Plus you will learn all about my trading routine and the extra charts I look at to form a view of the current market action and plenty more. If you are ready to get inside the head of a professional trader and learn all my techniques and strategies, this is the course for you.
The extra special bonus is that you will also become part of my exclusive Smart Traders Mastermind Program to connect with a community of traders that have all been through the course.
With my exclusive Smart Traders Mastermind group. I cover my trading activities in various ways like monthly market update videos, several webinars throughout the year and a private discussion forum.
Mortgage Busters & Investment Show Interview Part 2 |
You don’t want to miss the second part of my interview with Mortgage Busters & Investment Show which will air this Friday, 30 September, at 6.30pm on Channel 31 in Victoria, Australia.
During the second episode, I delve deeper into charting and bring charts up on the screen as well as providing some extra tips for investing. So stay tuned.
Don’t worry if you don’t live in Victoria, like me, and don’t get access to Channel 31. The show will go live on YouTube and I will email and send you the link once it is live so you can view online.
As you’ve seen from the first interview, my early journey as a trader was not all sweet and rosy. It had its own blockages along the way. While these challenges made me think twice about if I should continue trading in the past, they are in fact what helped me develop and hone my trading systems and money management rules so I am able to trade all market conditions that come my way and thrive to become the trader I am today.
Justine Pollard
Author, Private Trader & Trading Mentor
‘Discover the Smarter way to trade’
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