Justine’s webinar on her Adventures as a Trader was a huge success. Good news is that it was recorded and you can watch it online now until 30 June.
During the webinar Justine covered the following:
- What she does during her trading time each day. Including how she runs a daily market scan, review the shares in the report and select a trade based on her trading rules.
- How she position sizes the trade according to her risk strategy and place the trade in the market with a stop loss linked to it.
- Other trading actions based on various market conditions.
- And most importantly, some of her current trades. Winning and losing trades! So you will see how she applies Her rules in the market through her trades.
- And so much more.
This recording will be available until end June. So make sure you watch it before it ends.
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If you would like to know more about Justine’s trading strategies check out her Ultimate Smart Trading Mentor Course.
The course includes 15 webinar videos that she personally recorded, downloadable audios from each webinar, comprehensive course notes and additional practical short videos showing how to put what you have just learnt into practice.
You not only learn about all her trading systems and strategies through the course, but you also receive a year’s membership to her Mastermind program. This is her ongoing support program for her clients and she keeps them updated with her market actions through regular monthly videos, a discussion forum and webinar events throughout the year.