Covered in this month’s newsletter:
- Market Video Update
- I have now upgraded to MetaStock 15
- MetaStock National Conference in Sydney on 29-30 April
The markets have continued their moves higher and I am certainly enjoying the ride. You can read on and watch my latest market video update to find out more.
If you have recently subscribed to my website, or for some reason you did not receive my last newsletter email, you can view the previous newsletters from this web link:
Market Video Update |
In this month’s market update you will see that I have migrated to MetaStock version 15 and I share with you the latest market trends and a couple of my current trades. So watch on and enjoy.
Losses are part of the game of trading, but my goal is to always keep them small. Along the way I will also take some small profits as you saw in this video update and it is these small profits and small losses that balance each other out and the large profitable trades are what make me successful in the markets.
You need to have a trading system, strategy and plan that allows you to do this and take advantage of those big winning trades when they come along. That is why money management and a good exit strategy is key to trading. Most people think it is about the entries and finding the right share, but the reality is it is what you do after that makes you successful and that comes down to how you manage the trade.
I share my trading plan and all my trading strategies in my Ultimate Smart Trading CFD & Share Trading Mentor Course. I can’t stress enough how important the money management part of trading is and I have 3 sessions in this course dedicated to the money management side of trading.
The Smart Trading Mentor Course is a 13-session online share trading course where I guide you step by step through my trading plan. I also provide you with the codes to my trading systems and show you exactly how I trade the market and what I do each day, week, month and quarter. It’s all about getting into my head and discovering how I trade the markets and thrive.
Plus, when you purchase the Ultimate Smart Trading Mentor Course you also receive a one year membership to my exclusive Smart Traders Mastermind Program. In this program you can connect with a community of traders that have all been through the course and I continue to support my clients with detailed half an hour monthly market update videos, monthly scan exercises, several webinars throughout the year and a private discussion forum.
As soon as you purchase the course, you will be provided with a username and password and you can start accessing it right away.
MetaStock 15 |
I have been using MetaStock 11 for years because it gave me the freedom to use local data. But I have now migrated to MetaStock Version 15 which was released last year. Craig from Oracle Traders and I have been ironing out a few final bugs with MetaStock 15 and I am happy to say it is ready now for me to recommend others to upgrade or purchase when they are ready. I will be using Version 15 myself from now on.
Good news is that I am currently in the process of recording a new set of videos for my Maximising MetaStock Online Course that will be dedicated to using MetaStock 15. It will be accessible in a week or two. So stay tuned for more information about that very soon.
The best place to purchaase MetaStock is through Oracle Trader. Their service is top notch and they look after my clients. Make sure you mention Smart Trading and you will get a free upgrade to snapshots data (hourly downloads):
Craig Kirby
Oracle Traders
Phone: 1300 299 603
MetaStock Users Conference in Sydney on 29-30 April |
I have been invited to present at the MetaStock Users Conference in Sydney on Sunday 30 April. The event runs over two days from 29-30 April and you can find about more about it from this web link:
I always look forward to these events where I can connect with other traders and I will be showing how I use MetaStock on a daily basis as part of my trading routine.
Finally |
The markets can really test you a lot of times. When it is down, you can’t wait until it is back up. When it is rising up, you want it to stay or even move higher. Patience is the key and you will discover alot about yourself when you trade the markets and your trading will evolve as your skill grows. So always make a habit of updating your trading plan along the way as you evolve as a trader.
Cheerio for now
Justine Pollard
Author, Private Trader & Trading Mentor
‘Discover the Smarter way to trade’
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